Neuroscience suggests that nature makes a big impact on us, when we move the meeting room outdoors.
Neuroscience indicates that nature makes a big impact on how we act when we are out in nature. The frontal lobes - also called the CEO of the brain - are where our mental activity, empathy, behaviour and personality is located. When we move the meeting room outdoors, we achieve a greater focus, productivity and creativity.
MEETNATURE can facilitate learning around personal leadership, mindfulness and how these concepts can lead to a healthy work life. The courses can be held in groups or individually, depending on your wishes and purpose.
Another unconventional event could be to try a ‘Nordic forest bath’. Forest bathing originates from Japan, where it is known as Shinrin Yoku and can be translated to ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’’. When you take a forest bath, you take in the natural surroundings and use your senses more than your thoughts. Japanese studies suggest that forest bathing can reduce your blood pressure and lower stress by stimulating the nervous system, increasing your concentration power and energy level. The nordic interpretation of the forest bath consists of guided short or longer trips with calm movements conducted in silence, guiding of your sensory perception and sitting in silence on the forest floor.
Thuri Kledal, PhD, Nature therapist, Coach, Bodymovement therapist.
Owner, guide and educational leader of Naturrefugium, https://naturrefugium.dk/ -
Anette Ravn, certified forest bath guide, educated by Naturrefugium, https://anetteravn.dk

Photo:Kjetil Løite
If you wish to learn more about the culture and the history surrounding Rebild, Rebild Bakker and Rold Forest MEETNATURE can offer hikes centered around the local nature or animal life, hiking under the stars at night or a historical hike detailing the situation during World War two or the story about REGAN vest, a bunker built during the Cold War to protect the Danish royal family and the government.
A guided hike can of course be combined with the companys’ yearly summer or Christmas party.
Investing in getting outside in natural surroundings for a little while can be a great contribution to job satisfaction and your mental mindset.
We are looking forward to bid you welcome in the exceptional and rewarding nature of Rebild.

Teamkoordinator / MEETNATURE ansvarlig