Mountainbike i Rold Skov

Activities and Experiences


Stay active in Rebild og Rold Skov forest

The forest, hills, streams and lakes in Rebild are perfect for enjoying many outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, swimming, sailing canoe and much more! 

The hilly terrain provides you with wonderful views and experiences! It is a central reason for why the MTB tracks in the forest are so much fun and likewise add an element of challenge to your morning run or afternoon hike!

The large forest consist of coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest - moreover, you will discover stunning lakes and small charming waterholes, ensuring an always changing landscape. 

Berømte karakterer

Igennem tiden er der nogle karakterer som har sat et stort aftryk og været med til at gøre områder i Rebild til det vi kan opleve i dag.

Røverne fra Rold


Lars Kjærs hus i Rebild Bakker


Dannie Druehyld


Max Henius buste i Rebild Bakker

Max Henius